Mammograms Offered at Franco’s Health Club & Spa on Tuesday, Oct. 22

Everyone knows someone who has fought breast cancer. Everyone has a hero who never wanted to wear that pink-hued cape.
At Franco’s, we know all too many women who have fought this fight. They inspire us with their strength. They somehow keep families going in the midst of brutal treatments. They somehow find the courage to share their stories and spread awareness.
Mercy Jones-Jacobs, a massage therapist at our OSpa, has fought breast cancer twice and is dedicating her life to educating women about early detection and the power of healing she can provide through massage.
In her own words:
“We share our stories so you don’t became a member of the pink ribbon club! But…if you find out you are a new member of our unfortunate club., I will always walk this journey with you. You will never be alone as long I have breath in my lungs and a beat in
my heart.”
Franco’s is dedicated to sharing Mercy’s story and joining her in the fight against breast cancer.
The St. Tammany Hospital Foundation’s Be Well bus, which offers mammograms to women by bringing technology to them via the bus, is scheduled to be at Franco’s Health Club & Spa on Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 8 am to 11 am.
Appointments can be made for screenings that day by calling 985.773.1500. Walk-in’s will be accepted if there is availability.
Here are the eligibility guidelines:
- Must be 40 years of age or older
- Must not have had a mammogram in the past year.
- Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Must have no breast issues such as a lump or discharge from the nipple area.
Thanks to funding provided by the St. Tammany Health Foundation, sponsored mammograms are available for those without insurance coverage. This must be requested at the time the appointment is scheduled.