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All Clinics Effective September 3, 2024!
Cardio Tennis | Fri 8am – 9am
Elevate your heart rate with this heart-pumping, feet moving cardio-based tennis class. Drills and fun games to music will keep you moving for the entire hour!
Beginner Tennis Clinic | Mon 9:00am – 10:30am | Fri 10:30am – 12:00pm (90 min*) | Sat 10:30 – 12:00pm
New to tennis? Meet new people and learn the fundamentals of the game to become the strongest player you can be!
Int / Advanced Tennis Clinic | Fri & Sat 9am – 10:30am
Players with match experience? This is your weekend clinic! Real match situations with intensive coaching.
Registration requested in advance
• Drop-ins welcome
• Members can register ONLINE via the Franco’s App or your membership portal
• Non-Members pay additional $10/person on all clinics
Attendance Policy for clinics LESS than 3 people attending:
• 1-hour clinics: if 1 person attends, they receive 30-min training, 2 people attend they receive 45-min training
• 1 ½ hour clinic: if 1 person attends, they receive 45-min training, 2 people attend they receive 60-min training
Big Hitters | Tue 6:30pm – 8pm | Open to all levels
Evening men’s clinic designed to improve your tennis skills, including strategy, stroke production, and match play.
Registration requested in advance
• Drop-ins welcome
• Members can register ONLINE via the Franco’s App or your membership portal
• Non-Members pay additional $10/person on all clinics
Team Practice | Ladies 3.0 / B Team | Wed 9am – 10:30am
Receive on court instruction that will prepare you and your partner for league matches. This will give you the opportunity to practice with a new partner.
Team Practice | Ladies 3.5+ / A Team | Thu 9am – 10:30am
Receive on court instruction that will prepare you and your partner for league matches. This will give you the opportunity to practice with a new partner.
Registration requested in advance
• Drop-ins welcome
• Members can register ONLINE via the Franco’s App or your membership portal
• Non-Members pay additional $10/person on all clinics
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