Five Ways to Cut Calories Today
Stay inspired to be healthy. Five Ways to Cut Calories Today BY TAMARA NUNEZ Fitness Director, Franco’s Athletic Club 1) You Are WHEN you Eat WHEN you eat is as important as WHAT you eat. Frequent low calories snacks like hard boiled eggs (52 calories each) and Kiwi...
10 Steps to Perfecting your OVERHEAD SMASH!
Stay inspired to be healthy. 10 Steps to Perfecting your OVERHEAD SMASH! BY RAY SAHAG Tennis Director, Franco’s Athletic Club The Overhead is probably the most disliked shot among tennis players and gets a bad rap for a number of reasons. It requires a partner...
Breaking Records And Making Waves
Stay inspired to be healthy. Breaking Records And Making Waves BY MINDY CORDELL Contributing Writer & Editor of Franco’s Health & Fitness Publication “He is climbing a mountain right now,” Coach Robbie Fritcher says of 14-year-old FINS swimmer Michael...